Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bark up the Right Tree by Jessie & Ruth Tschudin

This one is for all the animal lover's out there. If you love dogs, and your heart goes out to all those in need of forever homes, then this is one book you should definitely read! Jessie (the dog) is a mature black labrador retriever, abandoned by her family, who found a new home with Ruth Tschudin who had a vision that grew from a dog pulling a child in a wagon, to "a place where adoptive families and abandoned animals could love and support each other." This is Jessie's story, told through Jessie's eyes, but with Ruth's assistance, because we all know it's kind of difficult for a dog to type! This story is heart-breaking, and heart-warming. Be prepared for tears and joy! And visit Jessie's website at

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