Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mighty Queens of Freeville by Amy Dickinson

I really liked this book. It was an easy, quick and enjoyable read. Just the thing to be able to pick up in between all the busy-ness of this holiday season.

Amy Dickinson tells us her story in a very simple and wonderful manner. From the breakup of her marriage, leaving her a single parent to her move back to the states and her struggle with the decisions she must now make for herself and her daughter, to her success in her career and in life. And she is successful and she does it with a lot of grace and a good helping of humour.

I'm not familiar with Amy Dickinson's advice column "Ask Amy" or her program on NPR, "Talk of the Nation". I can only imagine that they are full of the same warm, wonderful character as her book. There were many parts of Amy's story that I identified with and I loved the strength and wittiness with which she approached her life. Throughout the book we also see how having the support and caring of close family is what gives us that strength.

I was sorry to come to the end of The Mighty Queens of Freeville. It's definitely a book I recommend.

1 comment:

Jo-Jo said...

I never even heard of this book but it does sound interesting. Thanks for the review.